FIRE undertakes extensive discussions with various stakeholders, including educational institutions, government departments, law enforcement,corporate entities, amongst others on changes required in extant laws of our country. Discussions also involve analysing and studying internal policy frameworks adopted by an institution and suggesting changes therein to reorient itspolicies to strengthen its legal and cyber security frameworks both structurally as well as by training the manpower. Such reviews often include framing of a social media and IT policy in any institution apart from the other policies that govern the smooth functioning of an institution.
Internal policy review
At FIRE we analyse the internal working of an institution, review its policies and compliance with laws. We point out lacunae in existing policy and compliance with laws that are not satisfactory. We change the policy to be legally compliant by adding,deleting or revising the structure/content of policy and plug the gaps.We then customise the legal documentation for the institution that governs the internal working of an institution and their personnel in a legally sound,seamless and robust manner.
Collaborative policy review
Through its various advocacy initiatives, participation in round tables, seminars and workshops,we sensitize civil society and governments and collate views of different stakeholders to suggest legal reforms in statutory enactments and the policies of the government.
Publication based policy review
FIRE engages in policy review through important publications including books, e-books, and papers from time to time. FIRE has undertaken extensive research on various pertinent issues such as threats to children and women on internet.A guidebook, Protection of Children on Internet was authored to elucidate the extant laws protecting children from abuse and best practices to safeguard children in cyberspace. The book suggests legal and policy reforms required in India to protect children from online threats.
Press based policy review
FIRE regularly contributes thought provoking views and recommendations to bring policy reforms on pertinent legal issues in print and electronic media. FIRE endorsed the campaign of SwachSochSwach Bharatof News World India to eliminate child pornography from internet and strongly advocated ‘net neutrality is the oxygen of internet’.
WeConnect for policy review
FIRE actively contributes to policy review discussions through thinktanks, online communities, and interest groups on social media impacting change in institutional policies and bringing required reform of laws in India. FIRE has online communities of volunteers, attendees and interest groups who engage in policy review and bring useful suggestions to reform laws, practices and policies on pertinent areas such as online child protection and women’s rights or cybersafety.
Internal policy review
FIRE's founder Dr. Karnika Seth advised on following key projects-
Collaborative policy review
Dr. Seth represented FIRE at the GCCS 2017 India conference during panel discussion on online child safety held at Gurgaon, Aerocity on 21 November 2017. Joined by Representatives from NCPCR & UNICEF and social activists & educationists.
FIRE represented in an expert panel discussion on online safety held at Delhi, by She the People, Aug 4,2017.
FIRE was represented by Dr. Seth at the conference organized by CPF, an NGO , held at Delhi,14-15 July 2017
Dr. Seth Spoke at a session on cybercrimes against women in cyberspace 2017, Delhi Conference.
FIRE was one of the supporters of Cyberspace 2017 conference by CPF along with GOI and ICANN at the cyberspace 2017 conference in Delhi,2017 attended by 1000+ national and international delegates.
Publications based policy review
Press based Policy review
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