Foundation for Institutional Reform & Education (FIRE) is a Not For Profit Company registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act,2013. FIRE's Vision is to spread legal and cyber awareness among all sections of our society, particularly children who are leaders of tomorrow ! FIRE aims to contribute to the social cause of spreading legal awareness and cyber knowledge through capacity building in order to manifest the dream of Digital India. FIRE has a customised value based training program to meet the awareness needs of every section of our society and state of art workshops, interaction modules and e-learning programs. The Foundation has empowered, motivated & touched the lives of several people including students, teachers, law enforcement, professionals, corporate groups and NGOs through capacity building programs.
FIRE aims to impart legal and cyber awareness through experiential learning, interactive workshops, conferences, and active advocacy on national and international platforms. We educate parents, educators, children about responsible use of technology and fair and ethical use of online platforms for cyber hygiene.
Through strategic research and dialogue between public, private and civil society, FIRE aims to prepare useful white papers, legal toolkits, training manuals, guidebooks, and bring policy reforms to strengthen the evolving framework of laws and cyber law jurisprudence in the country. FIRE aims to work with Government and private institutions to strengthen their legal and cyber security policy frameworks and cyber empower their personnel.
Our work includes specialized counseling, and offering legal support to victims of online crimes. We work with partner NGOs to offer legal counselling and legal assistance and represent victims before courts and other redressal agencies and assist police in investigating any reported crimes.
FIRE has already imparted cyber awareness trainings to more than 15,000 participants in India across 10+ states including children, parents, teachers, academicians, investigators, judges, government officers, law enforcement and private institutions. In addition, FIRE actively contributes to cyber awareness activities of organisations such as UNICEF, ICMEC , NASSCOM,DSCI working on children safety in India.
FIRE regularly contributes thought provoking views and recommendations to bring policy reforms on pertinent legal issues both in print and electronic media. The latest research publications cover pertinent topics concerning protection of women and children in cyberspace titled Protection of children on internet and Combating cybercrimes against women!
FIRE documents knowledge on any given subject of law in form of handbooks, toolkits or ready reckoners for benefit of masses. The National Commission for the protection of Child rights requisitioned FIRE and i-probono to draft a legal toolkit, Child victims of Online crime for benefit of 10,000 + investigators across India dealing with online crimes against children.
FIRE works with government organisations such as the NCPCR, National Commission for Women or the National Legal service authority and various state legal service authorities to facilitate victims access to justice through legal aid. We partner with other NGOs to offer legal support & counselling to victims.
Experience across 14 states (Gujarat ,Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand ,Karnataka, Maharashtra , Kerela,Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,Chandigarh,Tamilnadu, Telanga,Uttarakhand, Uttarpradesh)
Digital literacy in India is reported to be less than 10%. FIRE's awareness activities has built a digital literacy ecosystem and benefitted different stakeholders across 15+ states in India. We aim to bridge the legal and digital literacy divide by intensive outreach and effective use of technology to impart learning.
150+ Institutions
40+educational institutions
2 Million+ Students
1 Lac+ teachers
25+law enforcement bodies
15+ government departments